Planned Giving
Over the past 40 years, SMCAA has developed programs based on the individual needs of each community we serve. Our staff stands ready to serve the tri-county area no matter if our focus remains on established programs and services or if our focus should shift to other needs determined through emergency or other circumstance. Our motto “Helping People. Changing Lives.” continues to influence SMCAA to look forward at new opportunities and innovating practices in order to make a lasting and better impact in Southwest Michigan.
Effective estate planning usually takes time, thoughtfulness, and legal assistance. Your plan will allow your family to avoid the delay and often needless expenses that occur when a loved one dies without a will. Once you have taken care of your families needs, please consider a thoughtful bequest to SMCAA. Whether it is through a gift of real estate, life insurance, retirement plan assets, a will or trust, stocks, or bonds, your gift will strengthen our ability to continue sowing hope.
It is never too early to start planning for your legacy. Bequests offer the priceless benefit of leaving a legacy for the causes closet to your heart and help safeguard your desire to continue making a difference. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give and is as easy as inserting the sample language below into your will or living trust:
I give, devise, and bequest to the Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency (Federal ID: 38-2415106) the sum of $_________ to be used for its general purposes.
SMCAA welcomes the opportunity to speak with you about your charitable interests and encourages you to talk with a professional advisor about how a planned gift can be part of your will or living trust. For more information, please contact Kim Smith Oldham, SMCAA Executive Director, at 269-925-9077 x 866 or via email at koldham@smcaa.com.