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More than 16,000 pounds of water bottles recycled in Benton Harbor

Jun 16, 2022

More than 16,000 pounds of empty water bottles have been recycled in Benton Harbor through a plastic water bottle recycling program offered during state of Michigan water distribution hours.

More than 16,000 pounds of empty water bottles have been recycled in Benton Harbor through a plastic water bottle recycling program offered during state of Michigan water distribution hours. Water distribution project coordinator Dashuna Robinson tells WSJM News most city residents have been taking advantage of the opportunity for free bottled water from the state while lead water lines in the community are replaced.

“We have currently distribution available at the Boys and Girls Club Benton Harbor Fettig Youth Campus, at 608 Wells Senior Drive, and also at the Southwest Michigan Community Action Agency,” Robinson said.
Robinson says seven trailers of empty water bottles have been processed and an eighth trailer is currently accepting empty water bottles.

“Individuals who come to the distribution sites are able to pick up water for themselves, but they’re also able to return their recycling bottles to that site, and then we take them and place them in the recycling trailer for them.”

Robinson says more than 13 million bottles of free water have been distributed in Benton Harbor since September of 2021. Residents are being encouraged to take home 33 gallon, clear plastic bags from the bottle distribution site to return empty water bottles at the Housing Commission during distribution hours.

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