In 2021, a Southwest Michigan man, his wife, and their high school aged daughter with special needs found themselves homeless following a plant closure. After being exposed to COVID-19, the family sought assistance from SMCAA through the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Hotel program, due to their need to quarantine for 14 days. Once their quarantine was complete, the family transferred to the SMCAA Family Homeless Shelter.
In December, the shelter staff began reaching out to community partners and agencies to help find the family holiday gifts for the daughter. "It was the best Christmas ever!" she stated after finding the numerous presents waiting for her. SMCAA was also able to assist the family with a vehicle repair, allowing the father to begin job searching.
Shelter staff also provided case management to the family in order to find stable and affordable housing. Now, the family has moved into a rental house near the father's new employer. This is #CommunityActionStrong!